Terms of use - Cookies

The information contained in this website is intended to inform you and show you some of the products that you can order from us. The photos included in this website are taken from the e-catalogues and the prospectus of our suppliers. It is our main concern to give you completely accurate information concerning the quality and the main characteristics of the products shown. However, from screen to screen some products may vary a little in their size, color and touch. We can, therefore, accept no responsibility for this.

Any and all information is subject to change without notice.

This website provides hypertext links to external websites. Such provision does not represent authorization for a user to access information held on that site. We are not responsible for the content, availability or suitability of external sites and provision of a link should not be taken as endorsement of any kind.


We use cookies to make certain parts of the website work, for instance in order to sign up for our mailing list, to submit a quote, as well as for the improvement of our website. Cookies do not cause any damage to the computers of the users, neither to the files that are saved into them. Moreover, in every exit of the website, cookies are automatically deleted.